We ensure our guests have a first-class experience from start to finish.
Here at Valdez Saltwater Adventures we are passionate about Alaska and want to share some of what this great state has to offer. Our team stands ready to enrich your next adventure, whether you are on your first trip or you are a seasoned veteran on the water. We employ an experienced captain on all fishing adventures to ensure that all guests receive the attention and first-class service they deserve. All of our guests are treated as family and we go out of our way to ensure a memorable experience from start to finish.

Captain Buddy doing what he does best. Putting smiles on faces and big fish on the boat. Our lack of social media posts so far this season is due to being busy on the water making memories with great people. Plenty of photos and videos to start sharing! 🤟🏻🎣

We are excited for the 2024 season to pick up right where we left off with Another action packed season ahead. 🤟🏻🎣
Our 2024 calendar is filling up with bookings. We haven’t turned on our online booking system, but will have that up soon. Book today before your date(s) are gone. 907-304-3474.
Can’t wait to make more long lasting memories on the water this Summer with you all! 📷🤟🏻🎣

A huge thank you to everyone that made for a memorable 2023 on the water. A big shout out to all our captains and crew for their hard work they put forth this summer. We greatly appreciate all the bookings this summer and time with both old and new friends. We greatly appreciate you choosing Valdez Saltwater Adventures and making for a very memorable summer.
We are already filling the 2024 calendar with bookings. Call or message us at 907-304-3474 to schedule your booking(s) for next season! 🤟🏻🤟🏻🎣🎣

Salmon are in and we have openings! Call 907-304-3474 or book online at https://www.valdezsaltwateradventures.com

Both halibut boats out yesterday coming in with nice loads of fish. We have 2 boats available for booking tomorrow June 5th…. Call 907-304-3474 or book online on our website https://www.valdezsaltwateradventures.com. 🤟🏻🤟🏻🎣🎣

Who else is absolutely stoked about fishing season?
#alaska #fishalaska #ak #suzuki #discovervaldez #vacation #cruise #cruiseship #fish #fishing #saltlife #alaskan

Heavy lifting at sunrise! These 3 fish with us each summer and absolutely crush the fish each and every time!
Whether it’s a day trip or overnight if you fish as hard as them your odds of success on trophy class fish go through the roof. It’s no surprise that they opt for an overnight trip each season to maximize their time on the water pulling on big fish.
We are almost sold out of overnight trip availability for 2023, so if you want in now is the time to call. 907-304-3474
#alaska #alaskan #fish #fishing #fishalaska #ak #fyp #wow #huge #hugefish #bassfishing #suzuki #suzukioutboards #valdez #cruise #bucketlist #vacation #monster #getit

Another giant ling from this past season! 🐷🐉🤟🏻🎣
#alaska #fish #fishing #fishak #ak #fyp #wow #cod #suzuki #suzukioutboards #bucketlist #monster #vacation #cruise #fishandchips #charter #fishingfun #fishinglifestyle #adventure #ocean #outdoors #boat #lingcod #fishingaddict

Yelloweye Rockfish are very abundant in several of the places we fish. Not only are they cool looking fish, but also incredible table fare.
#alaska #alaskan #fish #rockfish #bass #fishak #discovervaldez #valdez #fyp #wow #suzuki #howisuzuki #vacation #cruiseship #cruise #ak #seafood

One of the many examples of why I tell people the early season is a great time to halibut fish. There are benefits to all parts of the season, but we consistently see several big halibut each year in May in June!
#alaska #fishing #fishalaska #fishak #ak #fyp #wow #coho #bass #alaskan #northriverboats #suzuki #suzukioutboards #valdez #valdezalaska #discovervaldez #bucketlist #halibut #vacation #cruisesihp #cruise #monster

We have been doing salmon charters for several years now, but will have even more availability for them this summer. Call 907-304-3474 or book online at https://www.valdezsaltwateradventures.com
#alaska #fishalaska #fishak #ak #fyp #wow #coho #cohosalmon #silver #silversalmon #alaskan #northriverboats #valdez #valdezalaska #discovervaldez #bucketlist #bucket #vacation #cruise #cruiseship

We have a limited amount of overnight charters still available for the 2023 season. This is a great trip for the hard core anglers that want to maximize fishing time and stack their freezers full of quality Alaskan fillets! 🎣🤟🏻
We only book trips these by calling us directly at 907-304-3474.
#fyp #wow #howisuzuki #suzukioutboards #alaska #alaskan #northriverboats #valdez #discovervaldez #fish #salmon #halibut #cod #lingcod #alaskatrip #bucketlist #vacation

The fishing is great in Valdez. Our entire team is looking forward to another fun filled summer making more memories with everyone!
#fyp #howisuzuki #suzukioutboards #alaska #alaskan #northriverboats #valdez #discovervaldez #fish #salmon #halibut #cod #lingcod #alaskatrip #vacation #wow

Carrying on with the tradition of patriotic and symbolic names in our fleet we have decided on the Sentinel as the moniker for our newest vessel. The name of our new boat was chosen for a multitude of reasons.
Sentinels can be trusted to complete tasks through to the end in an orderly and dependable fashion. They can bring a sense of structure and stability to an office or workplace. In the military vernacular a sentinel is a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
We would like to think our late Captain, Wayne “Gunny” Gunion, is keeping watch over us now. Thus, we have chosen the Sentinel as a way to honor Gunny.
The coming seasons will be difficult without his laughter, sense of humor, hard work, and company around the boats and camp. Gunny’s characteristics were just that of a Sentinel. He was the utmost trusted individual who was beyond dependable and could be counted on day in and day out. He was the friend and family member everyone was happy to have around. He jumped at the chance to help everyone.
Without a doubt Gunny will be standing guard and watching over us all as we move forward. A silent final salute to you my friend…You were the best of the best! You are greatly missed and we will forever do our best to make you proud.

Well, we are finally ready to let the cat out of the bag and announce the scheduled arrival of our newest boat that is due to arrive before we start fishing this Summer.
She’s still officially nameless at this point, but have some ideas. We are looking forward to making memories with clients onboard this summer. She’s a custom built North River 32’ model (over 37’ overall length) designed and built specifically for the waters we fish daily with comfort of clients in mind, functionality, and a full suite of options and amenities maintaining the first class experience we strive for on all our charters.
#alaska #alaskan #northriverboats #valdez #discovervaldez #fish #fishalaska #salmon #halibut #bass #wildalaskansalmon #discoveralaska #alaskatrip #alaskavacation #vacation #cod #lingcod #rockfish #wow #fyp

We are excited to welcome Captain Shane to our team. Shane comes to us with several years of experience slaying fish on the waters of Alaska! He also comes with already having a couple of years experience of running charters out of Valdez.
The combination of his fishing skills and passion for helping others enjoy what Alaska has to offer makes him a perfect addition to our team.
We are also very proud to be bringing a fellow military veteran to the team. Shane served for 22.5 years in the worlds finest Air Force. A salute to you my friend… congratulations on an excellent career in the Air Force and welcome to the team. We look forward to having you with us this Summer!
Please welcome Shane to our team! 🤟🏻🇺🇸🎣

With very heavy hearts we wanted to let those that don’t already know that we have lost a key part of our team, a great friend, and a family member. Valdez and this world won’t be the same without Wayne “Gunny” around.
Thankful for the memories we had around the boats and at camp with “Grandpa Wayne”. It was always a pleasure to see him smiling and making time for his family and friends that were fortunate enough to know him.
Our condolences to Jackie and the rest of his family and friends.
Things won’t be the same on the water or at camp, but we will do it everything in our power to keep smiles on our faces, fill the small voids of free time with good times, and work our butts of while having fun and creating more memories with all those around us.
Gunny, may your days above be filled with endless rounds of golf, rides in the sky, limits of fish, and a warm campfire with the company of good friends and family.
You were one of a kind and we will do our very best to carry on your legacy. Fair winds and following seas….Rest in peace my friend. 💔

Well that’s a wrap on the 2022 season. We finished with a bang and boated a couple over 100lbs on our last trip. Despite being a day after the derby ended and catching a halibut that would have likely took the derby, our good friend Brad was stoked to put his PB halibut on the boat.
A huge thank you to all clientele and friends that made this another action packed and memorable summer.
A huge thank you to Captain Bud, Captain Gunny, Deckhand Bud, and most of all our awesome families that support us in feeding our saltwater addiction and living the dream on the water for another season!
Lastly, we would like to thank the industry leading companies who support us year after year. 🤟🏻🤟🏻🎣🎣